Discovering your purpose. Realizing your potential. Pursuing your creative path. 

This episode extra special to me. I had the incredible privilege of interviewing one of my personal mentors, Marshawn Evans Daniels.

We talk about the discomfort of disruption and the what it really looks like to pursue the path to who we were born to be with purpose and intention. Marshawn defines the key difference between redirection and reinvention, and how we can navigate these difficult transitions in life well.

We also discuss one of my favorite quotes from Marshawn’s book, Believing Bigger: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose,

There are many things you have learned to do well, but there are other things you’ve never done that you do even better.”

Marshawn shares so much wisdom and encouragement in this episode as we chatted about purpose, potential, and pursuing your path. Marshawn is such a gift and I know you are going to love her and our conversation as much as I did.

What does it mean to Marshawn to Live Creatively? 

“I believe that we are created in the image of the Creator for the very purpose of creating. I would say to live creatively means to be a steward of your gifts and to see what your gifts can make and do, and how we can change the world with who we are and what we have in our hands. To live creatively, the requirement of that, is to become a master of yourself…and from that place we literally live in the creation state of what our gifts are here to do.”

If you want to know how you can purposefully pursue your creative path, this episode is for you!


Marshawn Evans Daniels is a reinvention strategist who helps womenpreneurs to maximize, monetize, and magnify their gifts. As a serial entrepreneur, TV personality, creator of the Godfidence movement®, and founder of SHE profits®, Marshawn helps women turn ideas into income and faith into action. A former Miss America finalist, pro sports attorney, and competitor on The Apprentice, she is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and admitted to the Supreme Court. Marshawn, who is the new mother to triplet girls, is passionate about purpose, futuristic thinking, motherhood, and entrepreneurship.

You can find all of the links to connect with Marshawn and check out anything she mentioned in the episode below: 


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Live Creatively Podcast Marshawn Evans Daniels